The work and daily life of our school at Brunswick North West Primary is centred on the care and nourishment of children to ensure they experience a safe and rewarding time of learning. The development of skills and attitudes in literacy, numeracy and curiosity is our focus and passion. We want to ensure children complete their primary school career having achieved seven years of engaging and meaningful learning. This will then serves as a foundation for ongoing education at a secondary school setting, and assist in future employment and leisure activities. At Brunswick North West we believe that learning is supported with the involvement of an active and positive school community. Young children appreciate their parents being a part of the landscape of their school day.
This can be as simple as attending our morning or Friday afternoon community assemblies, or assisting in the classroom with reading or on an excursion. Having parents enjoy a coffee at Sprout, our café/canteen, creates an atmosphere of connectedness and community. This is a supportive atmosphere for a school environment and leads to better communication between home and school. It is hoped parents feel they can approach school leadership to discuss a concern, or share an idea. A school with a rich, vibrant community also means parents are willing to commit some of their time and energy to school fundraisers and working bees. The work of our Community Events Team provides organisation for parents to be supportive of fundraising and social activities. Our school has a strong community comprising parents who enjoys each other’s company, and appreciate the friendships created by sharing the experience of having children involved in our great school.